Monday, March 29, 2010

Emotions..... Wish we didnt have to have them somethimes!

Tonight was a very emotional night for me, and I need to get this out. At bible study tonight I finally came out and asked the pastor in privacy if he would pray for Mark and I in our attempts at conceiving. The pastor and his wife are becoming our good friends, and I have not shared this with many people. I guess I felt unworthy of prayer. I felt like I would be burdening him with my petty request. How silly is that! I started to blame myself for not being able to get pregnant, even though all of my tests have come back normal. Its such a personal struggle within myself to believe that I am doing everything right and not to worry! I want to be a mom so badly that I feel like I need to fix me so that I can fix the "problem" with us not achieving pregnancy as of yet!

Also for all of you believers out there if you could say a prayer for a friend of mine who may be going through a possible miscarriage I would GREATLY appreciate that!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for taking that step and asking for prayer Sarah and Mark!!! So glad to hear of this. I will continue to pray for you and Mark as well as your friend.

    Have a great week!
