Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I have a secret

I have a secret, I feel like i can share with everyone now.

Almost 3 months ago my husband and I went through a Miscarriage. It was completely devastating for both of us. We had been trying for awhile to get pregnant, ( 8 months to be exact) and when we found out we were pregnant we were both so excited!! Finally I was going to be a mommy......

I thought I was handeling the miscarriage really well but this last month or so I have realized that its been the opposite. I have tried to bottle the emotions and shove them deep down. They are starting to fill the bottle and overflow into my daily life. I came to realize that if I dont confront them and deal with them that I am just going to keep getting worse not better. So I have decided to leave my current job and start the healing process my body and mind needs so desperately!

Now that I have this out in the open you may find that it becomes another common topic of mine.....

I will give you guys the details as to what happened in another post..... for now I am happy to get that off my chest and share it with all of you!

Thanks for reading my blog..... I could use all the support I can get.


  1. Oh Sarah, I am so so so sorry for your loss. I hope time helps to heal your heart and that you get blessed with a sticky baby as soon as you are ready. I don't know if this helps, but this is my theory. A baby chooses when to be born, while they wait they are a spirit that is around you all the time. When the pregnancy does not go to term, I believe that that little baby is not gone, he/she just went back into waiting for a time when it was right for him/her to be born and be born healthy. That is the way I look at it, hope that helps you a little. Good luck in the future. *hug*

  2. Hi Sarah. It's good that you're able to express your emotions and start that healing. I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I was told by one of the younger ladies in church, but was not sure if I should say anything to you(as often times it is better to just pray). I'll pray for your healing and that God would grant you the desire of your heart to be a mom.

    -Danyelle Toplov
