Thursday, July 22, 2010

baking experiment

I went to the farmers market this morning for the first time with a friend and her kids. It was alot of fun!! Thanks Caroline!

So I am going to attempt to make Cinnamon buns this afternoon. I have never made anything with yeast in it before so this should prove interesting... I am excited to see how they turn out, actually I am more excited to TASTE how them... lol
I will post a picture of them for you all to see, good or bad.

So this is officially my 2nd of no work and so far I have made myself be quiet productive.. i have steralized a few dishes that needed to be done since I just got them as gifts and cleaned/organized a couple of cupboards to make room for the new additions. That brings me to another topic....

Kitchens need to have more cupboards. I never seem to have enough room in my kitchen for everything...... Maybe I have too many gadgets.... I use all of them though... Anyone else with this issue? I try not to fall victim to having the newest and greatest of gadget (since there is a gadget for almost any task done in the kitchen) but there are some kitchen gadgets I could not live without.... My Kitchen Aid mixer ( most important ), my food processor, Great set of knives, Crock Pot, Blender, Barbecue tools, Wok, Grill, are to name a few important ones.... Not to mention that these items are not small in size either and take up a fare amount of room.... Okie my rant and pointless babble is over with.

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