Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do you see a reaccuring theme?

Its been so busy in my household at the moment ( and not always good stuff ) that I have not had a chance to blog. So here is an update...

I have started a new job, working with Children that have Autism. So far it is really great but so very overwhelming to me at the moment as I am just starting this week. I want through training (which used to be done in 2 weeks is now done in 2 days) which caused serious brain overload!! When I went and watched my first session I felt somewhat better about the techniques, but overwhelmed about all the data to record and how I was going to know all the different programs I have to administer... I start doing my very first session alone on Thursday already.... oh my!

We are also purchasing a house and 10 acres just outside of Vernon ( where we currently live ) and there have also been a few set backs that have come up. It is a pure WAITING game with all of this, and better work out since we have a signed lease agreement with Tenants ( to rent our current home ) for November 1st and will be homeless otherwise.

I also had a dr's appointment last week to discuss 7dpo blood work. I had mentioned to her before that my Lp was a bit on the shorter side and was worried that my progesterone was low. She never was concerned about it before and told me pretty much that I was worrying to much over everything "pregnancy" related. I keep getting told by her to JUST RELAX!! anyway back to the results.. lol. So it turns out that some of my levels INCLUDING progesterone is LOW! We have also hit the 14 month mark since the beginning of TTC ( trying to conceive ) so she has given us a referral to a fertility clinic in Kelowna. I am very excited to go for my first appointment with them, even though they have not called me back yet to schedule one.... Again WAITING!

Sorry for not blogging I will try to be better.... you'll just have to WAIT and see if that works out.... lol! Thought I'd share in my WAITING!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your update. Just want to encourage you with a verse from Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry." I sense the theme right now for you is WAITING and this verse is all about waiting on the Lord. L :) I'll be praying for you with your new job.
