Thursday, August 5, 2010

Void to be filled

I am not sure why this birthday is bothering me so much..... but it is!

I am going to be 28 tomorrow and what have I accomplished??

I own a House, Dog, 2 Cars, and have a Husband.

No Career and most important NO CHILDREN!!

I feel so incomplete with knowing that there is no one out there that needs protecting, and runs to me when scared. No One to snuggle to sleep, or to push on the swings. There's no one with my Eyes and Marks nose, No one to greet you at the door when returning from work. No One to call out I love you Mommy, You are the best Daddy!

I keep getting older and still want 3-4 children when is my body going to understand that I have an expiration date, and it needs to get its butt in gear!

When will this void be filled???