Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

I work in a K-3 classroom with a little Autistic boy with another TA, and a CEA, as well as the teacher. It is such a great great classroom, the ladies are wonderful and the kids are amazing. Well this Halloween we decided to dress up as crayons, as you can see above.. lol! The day was a super successful day, our boys wore their costumes all day ( which is a first ) and had an amazing day with all the comotion they stayed calm and focused. I am so happy with how the day went, and so proud. What a great Halloween! Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Too fun. I like the crayons ;0) The kids and I participated in dress up day at school, but stayed in for Family Movie Night in the evening. I helped out in Ashleigh's class for the day and dressed up as a Queen (I wore my grad dress), Ashleigh was an alligator and Justin was a dinosaur. I'll have to put the pictures on the blog soon.

    We should get together soon!
    Take care!
